How to choose the right mattress with us

On average, we spend a third of our lives immersed in dreamland, where our bodies and minds renew themselves and gain strength for the next challenge. The quality and length of our sleep are essential factors in our physical and mental health. To avoid the inconveniences associated with lack of rest, we need to choose carefully where we sleep and especially the mattress. While there is no universal guide to choosing the ideal bed, we are happy to present a few key aspects that you should consider before buying your new companion in the world of sweet dreams.

We recommend embarking on a personal journey to find the perfect mattress, as each of us has unique needs and preferences. When choosing, it's important to consider weight and height, sleep position, any allergies or likes and dislikes to the materials or firmness of the mattress.

The following basic points should be kept in mind by any customer looking for a restful and quality sleep.

- according to the height of the person: a simple rule of thumb says that the length of the mattress should be 20 cm higher than your height. Our company and most manufacturers of luxury mattresses will provide you with a customized production. The largest mattress we supply is 240x240 cm.
- Split or full mattresses? Visit one of our showrooms to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

- Preference for natural materials: horsehair, camel wool, natural latex, cashmere or silk - there is a wide range of options for every nature lover.
- Anti-allergenic mattresses: we offer mattresses without natural materials for allergy sufferers.

- The most important thing is, of course, to choose the mattress that suits you best, but don't forget the correct bed height (approx. 60-65 cm depending on your height).

- soft (SOFT), medium (MEDIUM) or hard (FIRM): the choice depends on personal preferences and the weight of the sleeper. For harder mattresses, it is possible to purchase a TOPPER (topper) for a softer feel.

- on the back: any choice.
- On your side: we recommend mattresses with 5 zones of springs, which adapt better to your body and keep your spine in the right position.

We wish you a successful hunt for the ideal bed that will become your link to the realm of restful and restorative sleep.